RAIC welcomes new board members

Jason Robbins, MRAIC, of Winnipeg, was elected Regional Director of Saskatchewan/Manitoba.

Susan Ruptash, FRAIC, of Toronto, has been elected Regional Director of Ontario Southwest.


Update on the use of the post-nominal designation

“The board has committed to begin a consultation in 2017 with our members, as well as Canada’s larger architecture community, on how the RAIC can best serve their needs,” says 2016 President Allan Teramura.


2017 Moriyama RAIC International Prize & Scholarships - Deadline March 8

The competition is open to architects all over the world – including Canada – and offers a $100,000 CAD prize. The scholarship program offers three $5,000 prizes to architecture students in Canada.





RAIC President attends book launch



Deadline approaching for RAIC awards 


Allan Teramura meets with the Minister of Environment and Climate Change



Renew your membership today for 2017

If you have not already done so, please take a moment to log in to your account at www.raic.org to renew your membership. It’s fast and easy and can be done by credit card. To renew by phone, please call Angie Sauvé at 613-422-3617.






Save the date!

The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada and the Ontario Association of Architects invite you to the Festival of Architecture to be held May 24-27, 2017 in Ottawa.

Sponsorship opportunities are still available for the International Indigenous Architecture and Design Symposium taking place on May 27th.


RAIC President’s Award for Media in Architecture now accepting submissions



RAIC members recognized by les Mérites d’architecture de la ville du Québec



RAIC members save on print and digital subscriptions to Azure magazine


2017 AZ Awards now open for submissions

AZURE is now accepting entries for the 7th edition of the AZ Awards. Submit your best architecture and design projects (produced by December 31, 2016) for the opportunity to receive an internationally recognized award, as well as extensive coverage in AZURE's July/August 2017 issue and online. To take advantage of early-bird fees, submit your projects by February 1. Submissions close February 21.



Brian Palmquist, MRAIC, releases book

An Architect’s Guide to Construction – Tales from the Trenches can be purchased on Amazon, Chapters-Indigo, or through Palmquist’s website.



Ryerson to host forum on Austria's built environment



Walk21 Conference issues call for abstracts: Deadline February 10

Calgary will host the 2017 International Conference on Walking and Liveable Communities. Participants include architects, urban designers, planners, and those who are invested in fostering healthy and vibrant communities.



In memoriam: Harry Pellow, FRAIC





Art X Architecture a success

The Metro Vancouver Chapter of the RAIC held its second annual Art by Architects silent auction and fundraiser in December at the AIBC Architecture Centre. The event raised more money this year than last, with 112 pieces of artwork generously provided by the Metro Vancouver architecture community.


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