President's Message 2017

Ewa Bieniecka, FRAIC, was induced as the 78th President of the RAIC on February 6. Her focus for 2017 includes strengthening the RAIC’s programs to better serve members, and engaging with them to obtain valuable feedback.

“The priority of 2017 is to research the changing needs of our members and the larger architectural community ensuring that our member experiences are relevant, provide value and encourage belonging,” she says. “I invite younger members to help make the change. New generations can make a difference, and RAIC provides opportunities to learn and to lead.”



Festival registration now open!

Register now for the RAIC/OAA Festival of Architecture online at festival2017.raic.org. Sessions and hotels are filling up fast, so complete your registration soon to make sure you don’t miss out on everything Ottawa has to offer during Canada’s big year.




Roger du Toit awarded posthumous RAIC Gold Medal for 2017

One of Canada’s most important and influential urban designers, whose portfolio includes Toronto’s CN Tower, Ottawa’s Parliamentary Precinct, the Wascana Centre in Regina and projects at more than 25 university campuses, is the recipient of the 2017 RAIC Gold Medal.

Roger du Toit, FRAIC, established his practice in Toronto in 1975, now known as DTAH, He was not only a professional architect but also a landscape architect and planner. Born in South Africa, he died in 2015, aged 75, from injuries suffered in a bicycle accident.






RAIC announces 2017 Honorary Fellows

The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada has selected one of the leading contemporary architects in the United States, as well an architect-couple who have raised awareness of Canadian architecture through publishing, to receive its 2017 Honorary Fellowships.

Jeanne Gang is an American architect advancing the possibilities of architecture and design in the 21st century — including their ability to make a positive social and environmental impact. She is the founding principal of Studio Gang, an architecture and urban design practice of nearly 100 people with offices in Chicago and New York.Studio Gang today announced its first project in Canada in partnership with Slate Asset Management; a mixed-use, residential tower in Toronto at the corner of Yonge Street and Delisle Avenue.

Brian Carter and Annette W. LeCuyer, professors of architecture at the University of Buffalo,practiced in England where they designed award-winning buildings and wrote several books on architecture. Carter and LeCuyer co-edited issues of the Architectural Review and Architectural Design focusing on contemporary Canadian architecture, and Carter oversaw the publication of books on Canadian architecture by TUNS Press.



RAIC announces recipients of 2017 RAIC Allied Arts Award

A Toronto architect whose focus is ephemeral art installations in public places will receive the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada’s (RAIC) Allied Arts Medal for 2017.

Christine Leu, MRAIC, is the co-founder, with Alan Webb, of the multi-disciplinary arts and curation practice LeuWebb Projects in Toronto. She also teaches courses in architecture and interior design at Ryerson University. LeuWebb uses space, light, sound and texture to activate public space, with a focus on social issues and respect for historical context. The practice's grounding in site-specificity comes from the founders’ experience and training as architects.



DJA wins RAIC’s 2017 Emerging Architectural Practice Award

A Vancouver firm known for thoughtful, efficient and modern design, in both renovations and new buildings, is the recipient of the RAIC’s 2017 Emerging Architectural Practice Award. D’Arcy Jones Architecture (DJA), a nine-person studio, was founded in 2005 by D’Arcy Jones, MRAIC. Largely residential, the firm’s projects include housing, commercial spaces, art galleries, renovations, and interiors.




Maison Alcan in Montreal designated a heritage building

In September 2015, the RAIC joined the opposition against a project to construct a 30-storey tower on the site of Maison Alcan which would have had a major impact on the nature and integrity of this outstanding architectural achievement, as well as that section of Sherbrooke Street in downtown Montreal.

The RAIC released a statement opposing the project to the media and wrote to Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre and then Quebec Minister of Culture and Communication Hélène David.

In mid-February 2017, the RAIC was advised that Maison Alcan had officially been declared a heritage building and would be preserved.





Membership renewal deadline

The deadline for 2017 renewals is March 31. If you have not already done so, please take a moment to log in to your account at www.raic.org to renew. You can also renew over the phone by calling 613-422-3617.



Fellows at the Festival

The 2017 RAIC Fellows Convocation will take place May 25th during the annual Festival of Architecture in Ottawa at the Canadian Museum of History. The keynote speaker will be American architect Jeanne Gang, who will be inducted as an Honorary Fellow.

Volunteers are needed to serve as marshalls and wardens. Please contact Chantal Charbonneau at ccharbonneau@raic.org or 613-241-3600 ext. 214 to confirm interest in volunteering.

A reminder to Fellows to register for the College of Fellows Annual Business Meeting and Luncheon through the festival registration site.






RAIC members save on print and digital subscriptions to Azure magazine

Save 55 percent on a one-year print and digital subscription to AZURE Magazine; you pay only $20!
AZURE is a high-quality publication presenting a Canadian perspective on the global world of architecture and design.

This offer is exclusive to RAIC members who have renewed their memberships for 2017.
To claim this offer, please contact Angie Sauvé at asauve@raic.org or at 613-422-3617.




Register for Canada’s first ever Impact Summit

Interior Designers of Canada and the American Society of Interior Designers will host the 2017 Impact Summit in Toronto May 8-9. The theme is Migration, Culture, and Diversity in the built environment.

Summit attendees will include senior practitioners and emerging leaders in the fields of design and architecture, building and facilities management, city planning, all levels of government, and the business and non-profit sectors throughout North America.



RAIC members save on Carleton con-ed program

Carleton University Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism now offers continuing education courses. These classes provide the opportunity to earn continuing education credits.

Join a team of multidisciplinary experts for round-table discussions and a design charrette on urban design theories, process, and products. Discussions will also include case studies on Ottawa’s greenfield development and urban intensification.

Date:   Saturday, April 29 & May 6
Time:   9am – 3:30pm
Cost:   $800
Earn 12.5 Learning Hours

RAIC members will receive 10 percent off registration before April 1. Use the discount code RAIC_ES17 at checkout.



Call for entries: Toronto Urban Design Awards

Submissions are now being accepted for the 2017 Toronto Urban Design Awards. The deadline is Thursday, May 4 at 4 p.m.

The awards recognize a wide range of projects that demonstrate improvements to the built environment and quality of public places in the city. Project entry details and program information is available at www.toronto.ca/tuda

Recipients of the Toronto Urban Design Awards will be invited to submit at the National Urban Design awards, a program held in co-operation with a number of Canadian municipalities, supported by the RAIC, the Canadian Institute of Planners, and the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects.



In memoriam: Derry Robertson, FRAIC

During his career, Robertson was Vice President of the International Union of Architects and Past President of the Ontario Association of Architects. Some notable buildings that he had a hand in include the Toronto Convention Centre, the Toronto Harbour Police Station, the Toronto Airport, and the Rideau Centre in Ottawa.




In memoriam: Barbara Humphreys, MRAIC

Humphrey worked as a consultant to the Historic Sites and Monuments Board. She later taught a course on Canadian historical architecture at Carleton University, and lectured at many schools and co- authored numerous publications dedicated to the architecture of the Rideau Canal area.






Interns: Submit your design for the 2017 Urban Marker competition

UIA launches International Baku Architecture Award

Call for papers: APT National Trust joint conference

Aga Khan Foundation hosts student design/build competition



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