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College of Fellows Centennial Fund for Intern/Intern Architect – ToR

Deadline for submission: March 28th, 2013

Terms of Reference


The College of Fellows Centennial Fund for Interns or Intern Architects was created with donations received from Members of the College of Fellows and Members of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada to support a deserving Intern or Intern Architect or group of Interns/Intern Architects wishing to promote the value and image of the profession.


The RAIC College of Fellows Intern/Intern Architect Fund will be awarded to individuals who have shown leadership and who have made significant contributions to the profession at an early stage of their architectural career.

  • Any RAIC member who is an Intern or Intern Architect registered with a provincial/territorial association at the time of the submission deadline is eligible.
  • A team of RAIC members who are all interns can submit a collective candidacy and proposal.


The Award shall be given to:

  • An Intern/Intern Architect whose personal work has demonstrated excellence in design, or in the practice of architecture and who has made significant contributions to the quality of architecture; or
  • An Intern/Intern Architect whose work related to architecture has demonstrated excellence in research or education.

Jury Selection Process

The names of the jury members will be identified and included in the Call for Submissions.

The RAIC Foundation Trustees shall select a jury to include the following:

  1. The Chancellor as the jury chair who will ensure that selection meets the criteria set above;
  2. A Trustee of the RAIC Foundation;
  3. One Fellow of the College of Fellows.

The jury’s decision will be final. The jury will meet by teleconference or as otherwise required to make a determination as to the recipient of the Intern/Intern Architect Fund.

Call for Submissions

The Call for Submissions will be issued by the RAIC and addressed to all Interns and Intern Architects who are RAIC Members.

Each submission must be submitted on a CD-ROM, and shall contain the following:

Part 1:

  • a summary, not to exceed two pages, of the reasons for the award;
  • illustrations of design, research or contributions to the profession;
  • a brief biography (max. 2 page) – if the submission is for a team, each team member shall submit his/her biography;
  • three to five letters of support by those familiar with the quality of the intern architect’s work or service (or intern team if applicable). The letters must set out specific reasons for support.

Part 2:

  • Summary description of the project proposal (objectives and methodology) – (Maximum 3 pages) – Include a clear description of the final product, who will be the beneficiary (audience) and how it will contribute to promoting the profession to the general public.


A Professional Advisor or the Executive Director and the Chancellor shall review the submissions to verify that they are complete and meet the submission requirements.

Public Presentation

A cheque in the amount of $5,000 for the RAIC Intern/Intern Architect Fund Award will be presented at the Festival of Architecture.


The award recipient shall be required to submit one copy of their final product to the RAIC Foundation within 12 months of the award, and provide permission to upload to its website.

Number of Awards

One award will conferred per year, subject to the amount of interest earned resulting from the endowment. At its discretion, the jury may elect not to confer an award.