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Contract Documents

The RAIC publishes and distributes several publications offered to help members strive for excellence in their practices and help promote architecture within their communities. As a service to members, the RAIC also distributes Standard Contract Documents and Canadian Construction Documents Committee publications.

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News about RAIC Standard Contract Forms

Canadian Standard Form of Contract for Architectural Services – Document Six 2018 and Canadian Standard Form of Contract between Architect and Consultant – Document Nine, 2018 editions.


The RAIC has released the 2018 editions, revised 2020-09, of the Canadian Standard Form of Contract for Architectural Services – Document Six and the Canadian Standard Form of Contract between Architect and Consultant – Document Nine.


RAIC Documents Six and Nine have been widely accepted across Canada by both architects and client organizations. We have received suggestion to improve the forms as well as, we must admit, comments about spelling, grammar, and coordination. We have heard and revised the documents to make them more useful. The PDF form fields have been expanded to allow multiple lines of text and errors have been corrected. The RAIC Documents Six and Nine remain largely the same with no changes to the text. If there is still not enough space in the PDF fields in the agreement form, Word versions of the agreement form are provided in all contract packages. 


The RAIC Practice Support Committee updated Document Six and issued the new Document Nine in 2018. Documents Six and Nine together reflect a balanced approach to the contractual relationship between client and architect and between the architect and consultants. The two forms of contract provide a reasonable and appropriate distribution of responsibilities and risk. 


The 2018 editions of both Document Six and Document Nine address prompt payment and adjudication legislation that has come into effect in Ontario. Prompt payment legislation is being explored in other provincial jurisdictions and the federal government.

Document Six includes a comprehensive schedule of services, Schedule A, as well as 5 abbreviated schedules for services to be used for projects with a defined or narrowed scope. Architects have a choice to use one of six schedules to describe the services and responsible of both the architect and the client.  

Schedule A1 – Predesign Services

Schedule A2 – Building Condition Assessment Services

Schedule A3 – Services for a Simple to Average Project

Schedule A4 – Custom Residential Design Services

Schedule A5 – Interior Fitup Services

New Guide

As with Document Six, Document Nine is provided with a detailed Guide providing instruction, information, and advise on completing these standard contract forms.   

Standard Contract Forms, Copyright and Supplemental Conditions

Each copy of an executed (signed) contract requires that an RAIC authorization seal be affixed to the cover. An authorization seal is not required on a contract form when it is provided to an architect or client as a demonstration of contractual conditions. For example, a client may include Document Six in a request for proposals (RFP) package to indicate the contractual conditions.       

Supplemental Conditions
If changes to the Agreement Form, Definitions, or General Conditions of an RAIC Standard Form of Contract are required, this should be done using Supplemental Conditions. Adding Supplemental Conditions is an acceptable way to adjust the responsibilities of both parties to address project specific conditions. For example, Supplemental Conditions may describe the need for security clearances or background verifications to work in some facilities. Supplemental Conditions should not be used to change the fundamental responsibilities of either party or transfer risk to a party that cannot manage that risk.  


The most practical way to modify the contract is to cross out the appropriate section and make a note referencing the Supplemental Condition that replaces the crossed-out section.  

Using the Contract Forms
Document Six and Document Nine are provided in a combination of fillable PDF forms and MS Word schedules. The agreement form, definitions and general conditions are provided as a PDF fillable form. The schedules are provided in MS Word format so that services can be added as necessary. The agreement portion of the PDF form is also provided as an MS Word document. However, users are advised NOT TO CHANGE the text of the agreement form. The MS Word version is provided to allow users to expand form fields as necessary.  


RAIC Documents Seven and Eight Rescinded
In August 2018, the RAIC released their new standard forms of contract: Document Six 2018, Canadian Standard Form of Contract for Architectural Services, and Document Nine 2018, Canadian Standard Form of Contract Between Architect and Consultant. With the release of these two new contracts, at its September 2018 meeting, the RAIC Board rescinded the older contract forms: Document Seven 2005, Canadian Standard Form of Agreement between Client and Architect – Abbreviated Version, and Document Eight, Short Form Agreement Between Client and Architect. They are no longer available for download from the RAIC web site.