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Frequently Asked Questions

Is my association of architects participating in this national database to record continuing education credits?

The following provincial and territorial associations of architects are currently participating in this initiative:
Saskatchewan Association of Architects (SAA)
Nova Scotia Association of Architects (NSAA)
Architects Association of Prince Edward Island (AAPEI)
Northwest Territories Association of Architects (NWTAA)
It is hoped that all associations will eventually use the system.

Who has access to my profile?

Provincial Administrators will be able to view the detailed profile of their members only. They will not be able to view the profile of an individual that is not a member of their association. Individuals will only be able to view their own profile.

If I am registered or licensed in more than one jurisdiction, do I have to report my learning activities for each jurisdiction?

If you are licensed in jurisdictions that are participating in this initiative you need to report your learning activities only once. If you are also a member of a provincial association that is not participating in this initiative, you must report your learning activities to that specific association.

How do I know if a Continuing Education activity is core or self-directed?

The provincial / territorial association of architects, or the RAIC, determines whether or not an activity qualifies as “core”. Through an agreement the associations of architects recognize core activities which are deemed core by the other associations or by the RAIC. Refer also to the Quality Assurance Document which defines core and self-directed learning activities.

How many credits do I require per year?

Each association of architects has slightly different requirements. Refer to the provincial association website or contact the provincial association Continuing Education Coordinator.

Who is my continuing education coordinator?

The following people are responsible for the continuing education program within their jurisdictions:
Saskatchewan Association of Architects (SAA) – Janelle Unrau
Manitoba Association of Architects (MAA) – Judy Pestrak
Nova Scotia Association of Architects (NSAA) – Jeremy Martell
Architects Association of Prince Edward Island (AAPEI) – Cate Proctor
Newfoundland & Labrador Association of Architects (NLAA) – Lynda Hayward
Northwest Territories Association of Architects (NWTAA) – Ben Russo